
Does the FT3150 and PL3150 come with 512 bytes or 2K of on-chip EEPROM? (KB778)

Question Detail

Does the FT3150 and PL3150 come with 512 bytes or 2K of on-chip EEPROM?

Some documentation indicates that there are only 512 bytes of on-chip EEPROM are included, while other documentation and the NodeBuilder tool indicate that 2K of on-chip EEPROM are included.


The FT and PL 3150 actually have 2K of on-chip EEPROM, the original 3150 had 512 bytes. Prior to NodeBuilder 3.1 Service Pack 2 and Version 16 firmware, the NodeBuilder linker was limited to 512 bytes of 3150 EEPROM, as reflected in the documentation. With the introduction of NodeBuilder 3.1 Service Pack 2 and Version 16 firmware, the additional 1.5K was made available, and it is still available in NodeBuilder FX with Version 16 or newer firmware. Both NodeBuilder FX and NodeBuilder 3.12 or newer provide 2 Neuron models for the FT and PL 3150. Models called "FT 3150 512" or "PL 3150 512"  are for building with older versions of firmware providing only 512 bytes of EEPROM, and other models called "FT 3150 2K" or "PL 3150 2K" are for building with Neuron Firmware Version 16 or newer. If the 2K version is selected, 1.5K of external flash is lost and the startup time is increased. The longer startup time is because the Neuron firmware copies the initial image when it boots, and the larger image takes four times longer to copy than the 512 byte image. A developer who needs less than 512 bytes may want to use the 512 byte image, even though either image will work. 

Below is the ReadMe entry from NodeBuilder 3.1 SP2 that provide further information: 

The Neuron models contained within the neuron.xml file have been modified in order to better manage Neuron on-chip EEPROM memory.

In past versions of the neuron.xml Neuron specification file, the Neuron 3150 Chip was assumed to have 512 bytes of on-chip initialized EEPROM available for EEPROM variables, NVs and aliases. Some variants of the chip had more EEPROM space available, but it was not made available to the Neuron C linker. The new XML file makes the following amounts of EEPROM available for the following Neuron variant names. The lower-capacity variant names are renames of pre-existing Neuron types, and the higher-capacity variant names are redefinitions of the same chips to allow the extended EEPROM resources to be fully used.  

Model Name   Initialized EEPROM Bytes
FT 3150 512


PL 3150 512   512
CY7C53150L 768  768
FT 3150 2K 2048
PL 3150 2K  2048
CY7C53150L 2K  2048

Neuron C has a class of variable called uninit data for EEPROM variables which need not be written by an application load or reload.  The new XML file makes the following amounts of uninit EEPROM available for the following Neuron variant names:

Model Name   Unitialized EEPROM Bytes
FT 3150 512


PL 3150 512   2304
CY7C53150 2304
CY7C53150L 768   2048
FT 3150 2K 768
PL 3150 2K  768
CY7C53150L 2K  768

NOTE; When using the 2K image, please be aware of the following condition as described in the LNS Server ReadMe.

Application Load Warning

LNS application load can be destructive to the device when loading the following Neuron Chip models: FT 3150 2K, CY7C53150 2K, and PL 3150 2K.

If you attempt to load an application linked for a standard 3150 into a device containing one of these Neuron Chip models, the application load will destructively overwrite part of the system image, resulting in device failure.

Application load with the system image upgrade option will also destructively overwrite the system image of these Neuron Chip models, and should never be attempted.

Workaround: Be very careful that any application image that you download into devices using these Neuron Chip models that was linked for the specific model. Never specify the system image upgrade option when downloading one of these Neuron Chip models. (49854)

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