Using the LonMaker™ Integration Tool
Course Description
Course Duration: 2 Days (16 hours)
In this course students will learn how to simplify and shorten the network design process by taking advantage of the advanced features of the LonMaker Integration Tool. The course provides extensive hands-on experience customizing the LonMaker environment, managing large projects, managing netwrok variables and more. This class will provide plenty of tips, tricks, and job aids to use back on the job.
Who Should Attend
This class is intended for network integration specialists involved in the design, installation, and maintenance of LonWorks® networks for building and industrial control applications.
Course Prerequisites
- Working knowledge of Windows 98 or Windows NT / 2000 / XP
- (recommended) Attendance in the LONWORKS Network Design Course or equivalent experience with LONWORKS Network design
- Complete the pre-course reading and LONWORKS Basics Quiz
Course Objectives:
At the conclusion of this course students will be able to:
- Customize the LonMaker design environment
- Enhance design productivity and organization
- Design and manage LONWORKS network projects of all sizes
- Optimize network resources
- Create a LonMaker HMI (Human Machine Interface)
- Install and maintain a LONWORKS network
What You Will Learn
Designing LONWORKSNetworks
Managing Network Configuration Properties
Monitoring & Control of network data
Installing and commissioning devices
Maintaining the Network
Laboratory Work
This is a laboratory intensive class. Most of your class time will be spent using the LonMaker tool in realistic case studies.
What You Will Receive
Echelon® will provide each student with a course manual, handouts, a course CD, and
a set of job aids to support your network design back on the job. Echelon will provide lunches and refreshments during the training days. At the conclusion of the class, you will receive a certificate of completion and a list that includes companies, student names, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of all class participants.