
How to use Gmail or Yahoo Mail for SmartServer SMTP email server (KB958)

The SmartServer can be configure to be used with Gmail or Yahoo email servers.



If you have created a gmail account with ilontest as username and as the email address, then you need to setup the SmartServer’s email service as follow:

IP or Hostname:

If you prefer to use Gmail’s SSL/TLS then you need to configure the following:

Email Server Port: 465

Security: SSL/TLS

The rest of the settings are the same.

Yahoo Mail:

For Yahoo mail, you need to use:

IP or Hostname:

Email Server Port: 465

Security: SSL/TLS

The rest of the settings are the same.


Note: For SSL/TLS support the SmartServer software has to be 2.2 SP1 (4.06.57) or later

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