Determining the number of unused credits:
- Open a Windows command prompt. To open a command prompt, press the Microsoft Windows Key and R, or click Windows Start > Run, and type cmd for Windows XP and Windows 2000, or type command for Windows 98. Then click OK.
- Type in one of the following command and press the Enter key at the end of the command:
checklic lonmaker.vsl - If you see an error message go to KB540 "Error message" table for workarounds.
- Number of unused_ credits = purchased credits - num_used
- An example of a working license is shown below.
C:\>checklic lonmaker.vsl Echelon License Diagnostics Utility. Copyright (c) 1992-2002 Echelon Corporation. This tool is provided only for use by Echelon Technical Support and LNS Setup. SiteKeyVersion = 50 Initializing access to file path C:\WINDOWS\LNS Licenses\lonmaker.vsl CrypKeyVersion = 5.7 Current License Status: oplevel = 0xc restriction = 2 (By Credits) num_allowed = 564 num_used = 10 num_copies = 1 LNS Shared Options: deduction = ENABLED deficits level = 2 (500 credits) SDK = TRUE ============================================================ Generating site code... site code/PCKey = D23A C1C1 0664 665E 5D
Number of purchased credits = num_allowed - 500 = 64 purchased
Number of unused_credits = num_allowed - 500 - 10 = 564 - 500 - 10 = 54
A negative (-) value for unused_credits mean that you have used more credits than you purchased and you have up to two weeks to order new credits or de-commission devices before the license times out. We allow you to commission up to 500 devices (500 deficit credits) during this two week period.
The checklic results do not give you time information about timeout issues, so you cannot determine how long you have been in deficit credit mode. For timeout issues, determine the number of unused credits. If the unused credit value is a negative number than it means that you have used more credits than you purchased. If your license has been in deficit credit mode for two or more weeks the license will timeout.