
Compiler warning NCC #486 The fblock uses an FPT that has advanced features and requires LNS versions 3.2 or later (KB1078)

This message is raised in 2 cases:

  1. when the FPT uses FPT inheritance
  2. when the FPT's members' numbers do not match the member indices


Case 2 happens when you change the default member number in the resource files either for a NV or CP. The index refers to the index in the NV or CP collections in the UFPT definition (the first NV you add will be index 1, the second index 2, and so on).  If you are not using inheritance, you can delete and re-create the UFPT definition in the resource files and re-create it again without modifying the member numbers (you do not need to delete the UNVT or UCPT definition).


LNS 3.2 is actually LNS Turbo, which has been released for several years now.


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