Using Static IP Addresses for the IzoT Router
Summary of changes required to use a Static IP Address for the IzoT Router:
1. Set the IzoT Router IP Address and Network Mask in the Router Network Configuration Web page.
2. Set the Gateway IP address in the Router "/etc/network/interface" file (see sample below).
We recommend that you change the login credentials on the IzoT Router.
Full Instructions for using Static IP addresses:
1. Determine the IP address using one of the following: choose one
a. Connect an USB Wi-Fi dongle to the IzoT Router.
- Connect your notebook to the USB Wi-Fi network.
- Go to in your Web Browser which should take you to the IzoT Router home Web page.
- Go to NETWORK CONFIGURATION" Web page which will display the current IP Address.
b. Use NodeUtil, press service pin or use Router neurion ID. See KB1051 for more details.
c. Look for the IzoT Router in the IP Router assigned IP Address list.
d. Use Wireshark to look for traffic on UDP port 2541.
2. From IzoT Router "NETWORK CONFIGURATION" Web page (Default login: admin/password)
a. Change Ethernet Interface to "Static IP"
b. Change Ethernet Interface Current Address to the new IP Address. (e.g.,
c. Change Ethernet Interface Network Mask (e.g.,
d. Click the "Update" button.
e. Reboot the IzoT Router: choose one
- power cycling it
- Click the "Reboot" button on the Router "SYTEM CONFIGURATION" Web page
f. Wait several minutes for Router to reboot (power line blinks purple, then solid blue when ready)
3. Check if Gateway IP Address is already set (optional)
a. Using a ssh program (like putty) type the following command (Default login: debian/debian)
sudo route -n
b. Check the line with the Flags set to "UG".
For example, for Gateway address, it should look like:
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface UG 0 0 0 eth1
c. If the correct Gateway IP Address is shows up then skip the rest of the instructions, otherwise continue to step 4.
4. Configure Gateway IP address using one of the following: Choose method 1 or method 2
Method 1: Copy file to PC and make changes to /etc/network/interfaces.
a. SFTP (e.g., WinSCP) the /etc/network/interfaces file from the Router to your PC.
b. Use Wordpad (notepad can't be used) to edit the file.
c. Add the following line after the 'netmask' line in the "auto eth1" sectio, make sure you replace <Gateway IP Address> with your Gateways IP address.
gateway <Gateway IP Address>
d. SFTP the file back to the Router
e. Reboot the Izot Router: power cycle,"SYTEM CONFIGURATION" Web page "Reboot" button, or "sudo reboot" from ssh console.
Method 2: Use a Linux editor to Make changes on Router to /etc/network/interfaces
Instructions using Nano
a. ssh to Router (e.g., Putty) and type the following commands
i. cd /etc/network
ii. cp interfaces interfacesorig
iii. nano interfaces
b. ssh nano: cursor down to auto eth1 and to the end of the netmask line and press the enter key to add a new line.
c. PC: select copy the following three lines to a text editor and change the <Gateway IP Address> to the Gateway IP address
gateway <Gateway IP Address>
d. PC: Select and copy the three lines, that has your Gateway IP address, to the Windows clipboard (CTRL-C)
e. ssh Nano: move the mouse to the new line below netmask line and press the right mouse button to paste the three lines into the "interfaces" file.
f. ssh Nano: Save the file (CTRL-O) followed by pressing the enter key, and exit the editor (CTRL-X).
g. ssh: Type "sudo reboot" to reboot the Router. You can also just power cycle it or use the "SYTEM CONFIGURATION" Web page "Reboot" button.
5. Check if Gateway IP Address is set correctly (optional)
a. Using a ssh program (e.g., putty) type the following command (Default login: debian/debian)
sudo route -n
b. Check if the Check the line with the Flags set to "UG".
For example, for Gateway address, it should look like:
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface UG 0 0 0 eth1
c. If the correct Gateway IP Address is shows up then skip the rest of the instructions, otherwise continue to step 4.
6. Changing back to DHCP
a. remove the Gateway entry in the /etc/network/interfaces file under eth1
b. Web page: Go to NETWORK CONFIGURATION web page and change the Ethernet setting to DHCP.
Example: Static IP Address /etc/network/interfaces for Gateway IP address
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth1
allow-hotplug eth1
iface eth1 inet static
pre-up /usr/sbin/setaddr 1
allow-hotplug eth2
iface eth2 inet dhcp
pre-up /usr/sbin/setaddr 2
auto lon0
allow-hotplug lon0
iface lon0 inet static