
HowTo: Toubleshoot Resource file issues (KB1344)

For OpenLNS CT or Izot CT, please refer to OpenLNS CT - Refreshing or Rebuilding the Resource files catalog (KB896)
Check the path of your Resource File catalog(

  1. Start regedit.exe from your Start Menu-Run
  2. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\LonWorks (64-bit Windows) or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE \LonWorks (32-bit Windows)
  3. Check the value of the LonWorks Data Path entry
  4. The resource file catalog will be located in LonWorks Data Path\Types folder. Typically this will be C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\LonWorks\Types or C:\Program Files (x86)\LonWorks\Types

Check and repair the Resource file catalog

  1. Start the LNS Resource Files Catalog utility from your Start Menu-Echelon LNS Utilities, or start ldrfcat.exe from your Start Menu-Run
  2. Click ok
  3. Browse to the catalog path from step 4 above and click OK
    1. If a CRC error is raised, exit the utility, delete the file and start the utility again.
    2. If the catalog needs a refresh, select the Refresh Now button
  4. In the different tabs, you should see the standard.* files listed, as well as your user resource files
  5. If the standard files are missing, re-install the LonMark Resource files
  6. If user resource files are missing, you can add them using the Add A New Directory

Re-installing the LonMark standard resource files
The latest LonMark Resource files are available from the LonMark association web site at

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