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Echelon U10/U20 Network Interface no LEDs

I use a U10 to connect to a TP/FT10 Lonmaker Network. This morning I power up and can not connect to the network. There are no led's lighting on the U10 except the SVC led gives 1 amber flash when first plugged in. I have changed all wires. I have used two other U10's. One of them new out of the box. I have reloaded the drivers. I have rebooted the PC and the network.

-- Network Interface Node Status ------
CRC Errors: 0
TX Timeouts: 0
Lost (APP) Messages: 0
Missed (NET) Messages: 0
Node State: 4 Configured
Most Recent Error: 0

Reset Cause: 1 Power Up

Wink command successful.

------ Network Interface Node Status ------
CRC Errors: 0
TX Timeouts: 0
Lost (APP) Messages: 0
Missed (NET) Messages: 0
Node State: 4 Configured
Most Recent Error: 0

Reset Cause: 1 Power Up

U10 interfaces fine with an existing network. I connect, browse, and change items fine. It is when I am creating a new network and I am trying to commission the new FT10's. There is no acknowledgement of the service pin.

In Lonworks Interfaces the service pin is not acknowledged either

Does anybody have any ideas?


Official comment


f both networks are on the same PC then make sure you are using the provided USB extension cable with the U10.

If the networks are on different PCs then most likely the problem is due to OpenLDV (the low level driver) was installed while the U10 was plugged in. If you install OpenLDV while the U10 is plugged in then OpenLDV will install but the driver may not fully work. Perform the following workaround to fix this issue. OpenLDV is installed either by itself or installed automatically when installing a LNS or OpenLDV application (e.g., LonMaker).

Problem: The U10/U20 (or PCC-10 and PCLTA) network interface must be un-pluged from the PC when installing OpenLDV.
Workaround: un-plug the U10 on the PC, un-install OpenLDV (from the Windows Control Panel), re-install OpenLDV, reboot your PC, plug-in the U10 and try your test again.

Kamal Mehta
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