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FT3120 Programming

In the datasheet of FT3120 it is mentioned to preprogrammed.
my question is which firmware should we program? Does IC Manufacture give it?
Which programmer should we use? Does ECHELON LONBUILDER NEURON 3120 PROGRAMMER MODEL 21700 is available for purchase


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The FT 3120 chips already come with the firmware in ROM and the default comm parameters are TP/FT-10 with a 10MHz external clock/crystal. You can either program your application over the FT network (using NodeLoad or NodeUtil), or you can pre-program the FT 3120 chips using a BP or Hi-Lo PROM programmer and the appropriate socket adapter.

The old Echelon 3120 Programmer is obsolete, and wouldn't work with FT 3120 chips anyway. Hope that helps. You might also check the Echelon Knowledge Database (KDB) -- I think this may be a FAQ in there as well.

Mike Berke
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We still use the ECHELON LONBUILDER NEURON 3120 PROGRAMMER MODEL 21700. Is there any manual on how to confugure this on our computer. We had to migrate to a newer system (from win98 to XP). We still have the software (np.exe) but don't know where to set up the serial port for this programmer which is connected to COM1.

Kind regards

Tim Adriaensens 0 votes
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To Tim who posted a question as an answer... :-)
What 3120 chips are you programming with that old obsolete 3120 programmer? If you are using FT 3120 chips or Cypress Neuron 3120 chips, you can just program them on a BP or Hi-Lo PROM programmer.

Mike Berke 0 votes
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We are still using the Toshiba TMPN3120FE5MG and Cypress CY7C3120E4. We also have the GALEP-5 programmer for our other CPU's and memories. This programmer does not support the 3120 chips.

Tim Adriaensens 0 votes
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hi do I need to create a copy of a TMPN3120FE5M program to be able to replace what programmer I can use?

mauro 0 votes
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